Product Customisation: The Advantages of Custom Branded Authentication

Read in this blog what is behind the term custom branded authentication and how this form of product customisation works.

May 2, 2023 - 2 min.

The security of online transactions and personal information is becoming increasingly important in today's digital world. Businesses are therefore looking for ways to ensure the security of their customers while providing a seamless and user-friendly experience. The problem, however, is that companies are often unable to offer their customers a smooth and consistent customer journey - not least due to the vast multitude of security services and solutions. Yet this doesn't have to be the case - because so-called custom branded authentication allows companies to create a unique authentication solution tailored to their brand and their customers. This makes it possible to combine security and personalisation in online authentication. Find out how custom-branded authentication works and what advantages it offers in our blog.

Custom-branded authentication refers to third-party authentication methods that allow companies to develop unique authentication solutions tailored to their customers and brand. In this way, companies can enable login not just via passwords - but also via biometric features.

How personalised product customisation works

Custom branded authentication is a process where a company integrates its own brand identity into the authentication process to create a consistent and seamless user experience. This can be achieved by using a company’s own logo, colours and fonts on the login page and in the authentication process.

The custom-branded authentication process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Integration of proprietary design elements into the login page and authentication process.
  2. Integration of single sign-on (SSO) or other authentication technologies designed to make it easier for users to access different applications and platforms.
  3. Introduction of security measures such as two-factor authentication to increase the security of credentials.
  4. Provision of self-service tools for users to manage their credentials and reset passwords.

The advantages of custom-branded authentication

Strengthening brand identity:
By integrating proprietary design elements into the authentication process, companies can strengthen their brand identity while bolstering user trust in their brand.

Improved user experience:
Custom branded authentication provides a seamless user experience - users aren't confronted with a generic login page. Instead, they can log in via a login page that is tailored to the company's brand.

Enhanced security:
Custom-branded authentication allows organisations to implement extra security measures such as multi-factor authentication to increase the security of credentials.

Simplified credential management:
By integrating single sign-on (SSO) or other authentication technologies, users can access different applications and platforms without having to log in each time.

Higher user satisfaction:
Custom-branded authentication provides a better user experience, resulting in higher user satisfaction. Satisfied users are more likely to come back and use the company's services again.

Overall, custom-branded authentication offers companies the opportunity to strengthen their brand identity, enhance the security of credentials and create a better user experience. 

How to successfully implement the technology

Nevis Security offers enterprises the ability to purchase customer identity and access management as a service through its Identity Cloud. Their customers can use their social or customer accounts to log in to enterprise applications and APIs once. They can use passkeys to log in without a password or access passwords and multi-factor authentication as needed. The Identity Cloud provides seamless customer service while the complex and security-critical tasks of customer authentication are performed in the background. The Identity Cloud is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises that must identify and authenticate their customers for portals, online services and mobile applications. What's more, easy integration into web and mobile applications as well as standard software is possible by using standards-based authentication protocols such as OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML.

Overall, custom-branded authentication is an effective way to boost the security of online platforms and services. By personalising login and authentication processes, companies can strengthen their brand while bolstering users' trust in the security of their data and accounts.


Efficient and Secure User Authentication with Single Sign-On