How Single Sign-On (SSO), Social Login and User Account LInking lead to better usability, security and cost savings.

More Security and Comfort, Fewer Costs – With Single Sign-On and Social Login

Let's face it. Do we use different passwords for all our online services? Or are we aware that using the same passwords for different services – or being misled by social engineering attacks – can lead to a snowball effect?
For example, a hacker could try to access one of your online accounts using a password list from another fraud case. Let's assume his attack is successful - if you have now used the same password for several services, the hacker could also access other accounts with the stolen credentials. Do you think this is realistic? Unfortunately, yes.

One way to significantly reduce this security risk is Single Sign-On, or SSO for short. With SSO, companies can make accessing online applications and websites much easier for their customers and employees. But not only the users benefit from Single Sign-On, but also the companies themselves.

Find out how this type of authentication works and what advantages it offers in this white paper.

What you will know after reading the paper.

  • Learn what Single Sign-On is and how to use it to achieve more security at lower costs
  • What OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML are all about
  • How Social Login works and what advantages it offers you
  • Why linking user accounts is worthwhile